What Are The Benefits Of Pressure Washing?

Did you know a simple pressure wash can help you save money, time and future headaches? Many roofs collect damage over the years thus making repairs and maintenance more difficult. Specifically, restaurant roofs are notorious for grease damage which can be a messy disaster. With that being said, Tom Dawson explains why a pressure wash session is essential for maintaining your roof.

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  1. Increases reflectivity - A pressure washed roof increases reflectivity which can decrease your energy bills, saving you an immense amount of money. According to National Roofing Contractors Association's publication Professional Roofing, the average roof has a minimum Solar Reflective Index (SRI) of 82 and can decrease over the years from wear and tear. Thus, a simple pressure wash can help increase the roof’s SRI closer to its original state.

  2. Allows for a better roof inspection - The clearer the roof the easier it is for your roofing provider to inspect and maintain your roof because they can see defects more clearly.

  3. Decreases your liability - Pressure washing by a professional decreases the chance of a hazardous situation. If kept in-house, an employee may slip and fall and cause damage to the roof. Additionally, if specific techniques and proper detergents are not used, damage can occur to the membrane and can void your roofing material warranty.

Interested in getting your roof pressure washed? Request service online or call our team at (833) 446-8849.

Written by
Tom Dawson
Director of Operations & Sales