RoofCare is our flagship program designed specifically for restaurant owners.
For $1,199 a year, take advantage of a leak-free guarantee with routine preventative maintenance to extend the life of your roof.
What does that mean? If you have RoofCare and your roof begins to leak, we’ll fix it - free of charge! Before, people dreaded having to find and call a roofer. We get it! So that’s why we’ve flipped the traditional roofing business model and introduced a fixed-price program with a leak-free guarantee.
Before & After RoofCare
The nation’s largest brands trust RoofCare to keep their roof leak-free
RoofCare takes a proactive approach to avoid costly emergency leak repairs and the often unnecessary need for an expensive new roof. The annual program includes:
24/7 Leak-Repair Service
Routine Preventative Maintenance
Detailed Service Reports
Before & After Photos